K9 All Systems is your local security company near Sandy Springs with the knowledge and skill necessary to design a comprehensive solution for your company security needs.
Project Description: Knine demoed old Inovonics Wireless Receiver as defined by drawings provided by Advance Alarms.
Project Description: Knine demoed old Inovonics Wireless Receiver as defined by drawings provided by Advance Alarms.
Service Ticket #3101 performed on 8/7/24 Technician arrived onsite and pulled out the KT2 from the Second Floor IT Closet and moved it to the Front Gate. Technician changed the Mac addresses in the programming. KT2 was online and working properly but the gate was still not functioning properly. Technician went through several different testing methods to check out the gate and it seemed like there was a problem with the board on the gate itself. The site will have to get their Gate Contractor to take a look at it.
Service Ticket #3097 performed on 8/6/24 Technician arrived onsite and spoke with Will. The Controller at the Front Gate was down and the after checking the Controller would not come back up after getting the correct power it is, the unit will need to be replaced. Technician also found that the relays were bad onsite. Will requested to swap one of the controllers inside that is not currently necessary at the time to get the gate back online. Technician checked the Man Gate and found that the maglock was bad as we couldn't get it to work with the correct voltage on the unit.
Service Ticket #3078 performed on 7/23/24 Technician arrived onsite and did some troubleshooting on the Second Floor Parking Deck Gate. After checking all the wires and cabling, the Technician found a loose connection on the power cable. Technician re-terminated and the Gate was working properly. Tested several times and also watched several residents go in and out of the Gate. System was working upon completion.
Project Description: K9AS installed the QT PPD Hardware and cabling according to drawings provided by Advanced Alarms.
Technician arrived onsite to troubleshoot Key Fobs with the Elevator on the 10th and 16th floors. Technician went through programming and fixed the issue with the Access Level. Technician tested with the Fob that was programmed only for the 10th and 16th floor. The Key Fob worked as it should on all 3 Elevators. Also, the Technician tested with an "All Access Fob" that Elevators would go to every door. If the site continues to have issues with resident Fobs they will need to switch them out.
Technician arrived on site at store 730 installed new equipment as requested. Then he confirmed with support upon completion.
Technician installed 500' of new OM3 armored fiber from the IDF in the office to the IDF by the elevator. He removed the existing fiber that is damaged and installed all new hardware components on both ends.
Technician installed 500' of new OM3 armored fiber from the IDF in the office to the IDF by the elevator. Technician removed the existing fiber that is damaged and install all new hardware components on both ends.
Technician checked the panel and seen the panel already had the relay installed. He doubled checked the programming then called service center to test. All 3 sounders are working properly.
Checked the programming and installed relay on output 1. Tested and only the storage room sounded worked but was very quiet. He did some troubleshooting on sounded at sales counter and found bad wire connections. Repaired and that sounder is working now. Loud fire alarm sounder at vendor is not working and will need replacing when we come back out.
The technician added conduit and added additional cable to relocate the access control reader to integrate with ADA doors.
The site added 3 handicapped Push Buttons and requested for Knine to handle all the wire connections. Once Knine got everything connected, the buttons were tested and working properly.
We replaced defective parts, tested and rebooted all readers that needed to be placed back online.