K9 All Systems is your local security company near Jonesboro with the knowledge and skill necessary to design a comprehensive solution for your company security needs.
Project Description: Knine demoed old Inovonics Wireless Receiver as defined by drawings provided by Advance Alarms.
Project Description: Knine demoed old Inovonics Wireless Receiver as defined by drawings provided by Advance Alarms.
Project Description: K9AS installed the QT PPD Hardware and cabling according to drawings provided by Advanced Alarms.
Project Description: K9AS installed the QT PPD Hardware and cabling according to drawings provided by Advanced Alarms.
When the technician arrived, he noticed the relays was already plugged up, so he called support to test all outputs none of them sounded. The technician examined the replays plugged up and noticed some relays pins were not plugged up properly. He replunged it and ran a test and still nothing came up, so he replaced everything and reset the panel, went up front and turned on the bypass and called support to help run a test and output 1 and 2 rang out except for 3 so I went ahead and changed the sounder and this time the test was successful.
Technician plugged up the relays and called to be tested. Out 1 sounded but output 3 didn't go off. He proceeded to troubleshoot the sounders and replays on the panels. After all the changes he asked for test and non-off the sounders went off on both outputs. Tested the sounders individually and noticed one was bad. He replaced it and tested but still nothing was set off. He powered the panel down and changed the relay on slot 1 and powered back up. Landing the cable from NO to NC for constant power and then it was working as the support had left the test on for him. Now output 1 and 3 function properly.