K9 All Systems is your local security company near Powder Springs with the knowledge and skill necessary to design a comprehensive solution for your company security needs.
Service Ticket #3059 performed on 7/15/24 Technician remoted into system and programmed 5 KT-400's for James on his STI-CHI install.
Site requested for a technician to come out due to the ADA Hand Wave not working. Technician arrived on site and powered cycled the operator and the inside hand wave is working but not outside. The outside hand wave is not working properly so he swapped it out with the one that was outside the officer entry door that they don't use. Both are working properly now.
Knine installed 1 Door Operator at Front Door Public Works. Knine installed 1 Door Operator Added at Ford Center. Knine installed electrical from nearest electrical panel to Ford Center Door and Public Works entrance door, 120VAC 20A.
Knine removed modules and pull stations and strobes from demo area bypassed devices in the panel.
Knine installed one door operator at front door Public Works Knine installed one door operator added at Ford Center Knine installed electrical from nearest electrical panel to Ford Center Door and Punic Works entrance door, 120VAC 20A. Knine mounted 1 operator on each of the 2-bathroom doors, run cable for handsfree entry/exit button. Installed cable for safety sensor for inside/outside of the restroom, provide a minimum of 48-inch clearance from door hinge and swing path. Knine connected power and programed the open and close range and power, as well for programmed and set sensitivity of door safety sensors. Tested door and adjusted sweep and latch speed as needed.